
Güreller Logistics

"It's our job to carry"

Akçeşme Mah. 2618 Sk., No:28 Merkezefendi / Denizli / Türkiye
8 September 2024 Sunday


  • Complete FTL and partial LTL transport service
  • Customer-specific information and tracking system service. (For example, the sender and the buyer are informed about the customs clearance stage as well as the location stage of the vehicle.)
  • Express transportation alternatives
  • Loading and Unloading Services
  • Secured transport services
  • Transit Transport Service
+905327688054 GSM Numaramız 7/24 Bizi Arayabilirsiniz..
+905327688054 Whatsapp Numaramız 7/24 Bizi Arayabilirsiniz..
+905327688054 Telegram Numaramız 7/24 Bizi Arayabilirsiniz..
+905327688054 Bip Numaramız 7/24 Bizi Arayabilirsiniz..
Akçeşme Mah. 2618 Sk., No:28 Merkezefendi / Denizli / Türkiye

Güreller Logistics

"It's our job to carry"

Complete FTL and partial LTL transport service. Customer-specific information and tracking system service. Express transportation alternatives. Loading and Unloading Services. Secured transport services.Transit Transport Service